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To display the variety of your products, and increase the opportunity to attain genuine inquiries from buyers
1-Sign in at 2-Go to Member's Area > Selling 3-Click on Add New Product
Product optimization aids the product to be more attractive, searchable, and easy to find by importers, buyers, and traders.
There are 3 ways you can post your products. Manual Posting, Batch upload (suitable for Unlimited Products), and importing products from your other profiles
The Importance of selecting relevant and exact categories has always been significant when it comes to inquiry relevancy. Relevant category selection minimizes spam and junk messages and allows the member to receive appropriate inquiries.
You need to be very selective and appropriate in case of choosing the product Title/Name. Select the combination of (generic + specific keywords) to make it easily searchable for buyers.
Keywords are phrases to find your products by different names. They help create search listings of your products. Select relevant and generic keywords to make your product searchable
You can select the most appropriate keywords that suit your product's specifications and description. Overall select the best keywords that define your products entirely.
It's a keyword suggestion tool that helps you find keywords and alternate keywords for your products, it can also show you the monthly searches and global searches performed of any particular keyword.
The listing description is a brief introduction to your product. Whereas, the detailed description presents overall information about your product in detail (i.e. Material, Specification, Packaging, etc)